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WA Merino 2023
Welcome to the 2023 WA Merino publication where you will find informative industry articles, interviews, event information and the all important Stud Breeders Directory. Well done and thank you to the publishing team at Farm Weekly. Listed on a creatively brilliant front cover are the WA studs, most for generations, have invested, promoted, championed the Merino breed, no matter the
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WA merino 2022
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Pingelly Merino Lifetime Project
2016 and 2017 Drops – latest report available Report
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🐑🏃♀️🐑🏃🐑🏃♂️🐑🏃📍Run with Ben 📍Kojonup at 6.30am on Tuesday, June 25th 📍WA Livestock Research Council (WALRC) - Livestock Matters Forum, Lynley Andersons Property 10am The finale speakers at the Livestock Matters forum is a duo called Legless and Blind. WALRC has brought them to WA to speak at this event – as they deliver a great story of how they each became (literally) overnight blind (Ben) and legless (Mike) - in their late teens. They use their story with great humour to encourage people to talk during tough times of the industry. But the kicker is – Ben is currently on a mission to run 3249km this year – one kilometre for every suicide in Australia in 2022. This means he has to average roughly 9km a day each day of the year. Esther Price and the team at WALRC volunteered to run with him on the morning of Lynley’s show – but this has quickly escalated into an invitation to the entire sheep industry to ‘come and run with Ben’ (or walk with Mike, the legless one) – as we show the power of everyone supporting each other. Ben can’t run without someone by his side, guiding him – so we are asking the sheep industry to come and do that with him. You can do as many or as few laps as you like. So why not come and join us at 6.30am sharp at the Kojonup footy oval – and do a few laps with Ben and Mike - and then enjoy breakfast straight after.And – why not then book into be part of the show at Lynley’s at 10am that day. It’s a cracking program. And you’ll get to hear their full (and remarkable) story at the end of the day. Head over to www.walrc.com.au/events/ To check out details and to enter your registration for either the run/walk and/or the day at Lynleys.With this initiative rapidly ‘gaining legs’ (pardon the pun) the organisers of the breakfast are stressing about how many bacon burgers to prepare for – so your early indication via the ‘book in’ page is going to be sincerely appreciated for their sanity!Countryman, Farm Weekly, Rural Focus, ASHEEP & BEEF, Sheep Producers Australia, The Pastoralists & Graziers Association of WA (Inc), WAFarmers, The Livestock Collective, ABC Rural,
🐑 F L A S H B A C K F R I D A Y 🐑‘Riding on the sheep’s back’ was the catch cry through much of the 1900’s, such was the pedestal and esteem for all of those who were in the livestock industry.Back in 1938, this ‘Shilling Ram’ was immortalised on our currency, and then again in 1991 to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of decimal currency.Wasn’t he a ripper representation of the merino. 🐑#KeepTheSheep#flashbackfriday #merinoindustry #merino #shilling #agriculture
👏 National Volunteer Week 👏 #celebrate and give recognition to our many volunteers involved in the livestock industry this week. You know who they are - and how valuable their contributions are to our regional communities and also to our vast industry.It’s often these individuals who go above and beyond. 🐑Thank you! 🙏#sports #clubs #committee #fundraising #charities #thankyou #volunteers #contributing #communities #keepthesheepWagin Woolorama, Williams Gateway Expo, Rabobank WA Sheep Expo & Ram Sale, Perth Royal Show, WA Shearing Industry Association, Australian Wool Innovation, The West Australian, Australian Wool Growers Association, ASHEEP & BEEF, Sheep Producers Australia, WAFarmers, National Farmers' Federation, The Pastoralists & Graziers Association of WA (Inc), Farm Weekly, The Countryman, Rural Focus,